
Okay friends, Shamanism.  Let’s talk about it. Thank you for being here.

In religious cultures, connection with the Divine is handled by a class or caste of priests.   According to Alan Watts, this arose with the advent of agriculture and the resulting segmentation of human society into hierarchical structures.  The priests are entrusted by the society that supports them with communicating with the Divine (I’m gonna capitalize that throughout this essay, I hope you’re okay with that, if you’re not, maybe shamanism is for you in particular).  

The Shaman on the other hand, according to Watts, is entrusted with helping the individual that they work with in their connection with the Divine.

The priest is an intermediary, saying prayers for the community.  The shaman is a resource facilitating the prayer of the individual. The shaman Re-Sources the people they work with back to their source.  (The seat of consciousness and matter that is the Great Oneness as the aboriginal people of Australia call it.)

There are many different tools and techniques in shamanism, many different schools, traditions and lineages.  Dr. Michael Harner studied a number of them and synthesized an a-dogmatic approach to shamanism that is taught through the institute that carries on his work .  I learned some of his techniques from Dr. Barnaby Ruhe who teaches art and shamanism at NYU and helped start/runs the Shaman Dome camp at Burning Man. 

Shamanism, as I understand and practice it, involves drumming and active imagination exercises that lead you to your Power Guide.  You journey with your Power Guide to your mountain, where you receive a message that is important for you right now.  It will be your own message.  Your own guide.  Your job is to listen and receive.  The shaman’s job as I understand it, is to help you feel safe, comfortable, and able to connect until you are comfortable carrying that connection on your own.

Shamanism can change your life.  If you’re interested in learning more, or would like to book a shamanic journey with me, (in person, or over the phone) email me at and we’ll see how we can help you on your journey with the Divine.



Frank Golbeck