It's Here! The 2020 Mead Day Song!

Hello Luminous Bee-ings!

Interesting times, eh? What we know for sure: Saturday (as long as the world doesn’t end) is The 18th Annual Mead Day! Let's make a unique brew!

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Buy Mead and Drink it with friends Saturday!

Also, if you’re a do it yourselfer, make mead on Saturday - that’s what Mead Day was established for back in 2002 by the Brewers Association.

It’s easy, just mix honey and water and yeast together. As long as alcohol gets over 3% all food born illness vectors should be dead and while it gets better tasting the more you refine the process, that’s the essence of mead making.

Honey, water, yeast. Oh, and don't forget to add your very own MAGIC.

Just like our ancient fore mommas and poppas enjoyed before agriculture, society, and time were invented.

We also know that we made a batch of Mead on Tuesday, and we used certified Organic Honey from Brazil in the hopes that supporting Organic Honey production in Brazil means supporting Ecological Regeneration.

We are turning that wonderful liquid gold that is the essence of rainforest and apis mellifera into our tremendous, Sour Mead.

We hope it delights you.

What we also know for sure:

We know that bees and sunlight and the earth are wonderful and Mead is something you get when you combine the essence of all of these things.

We know that we love making Mead and we love sharing it with you.

We hope that you love to enjoy it and share it and that it makes your life more interesting, healthier and more beautiful when you do.

So, in light of a lot of uncertainty these days, we hope you get some time to enjoy something wonderful and beautiful this weekend.

Happy Mead Day,

In advance,
