The Ceremony of Celebrating International Women's Day

Women’s Day

Women’s Day

Why does there have to be a women’s day?

Shouldn’t every day be women’s day?

Foucault said that discourse was like a river, constantly shifting its banks.

Once upon a time women held the world together.

Men would come and go.

Killed and eaten at regular intervals

The women kept the culture continuous

Then we made patriarchies and hierarchies

And might made right

I am a father of three girls

I am a husband to one amazing woman

I am a coworker, a friend and an agent of service to many women

I am hopeful that they get equal say

That our culture slows down and listens to them

Re-makes space for their voices to be heard

As far as I can tell, mead pleases women and men just the same.

It is a joy to share a drink that everyone, continent to continent, enjoys.

Especially when two people enjoy it together.

Give the gift of Mead to share in Celebration!

Sunshine and flowers made drinkable. 

Long live the Queens!

#ChooseToChallenge #Savethebees #DrinkSunlight

Happy Fri(gga’s)day,

Frank and GCM